Temperature -gb

Temperature sensors


Temperature sensors for variuos sensor fittings
Temperature sensors with various shapes and dimensions, suitable for the installation into through flow and immersion probes.
Specific temperature sensors can also be integrally mounted inside pH electrodes and conductivity cells.

SI/TAR -gb

Calibration systems


Calibration vessels for immersion probes, Mod.SI-TAR
Small PVC vessels, various diameters, designed to be screwed on immersion probes sensitive end in order to make calibration procedure easier.
These calibration vessels are available for all immersion probes.
Connection to sensor: threaded
The vessel can be ordered with the probe order code  breakdown. 

KIT -gb

Maintenance kit


Maintenance kits and refilling solutions for all sensors
Maintenance kits and filling solutions for pH, ORP, Conductivity, Oxygen, turbidity sensors
These kits include filling solutions and all accessories needed for periodical maintenance of the different sensors.

Standard solutions for calibration
Ready solutions for the calibration of pH, ORP, conductivity, turbidity, oxygen, turbidity analysers
Standard calibration solutions, in 250, 500 and 1000 ml bottles.