225 Differential ORP Electrode
Differential ORP electrodes Mod.225
Differential ORP electrodes designed for ORP measurements in very difficult applications where standard ORP electrodes cannot work because the reference electrode life would be too short as, for example, those processes including fouling or fatty substances that would deposit on the reference electrode making the measurement impossible and processes containing substances that react with traditional reference electrodes destroying them, such as Hg++, Pb++, Cu++, ClO4-, Ag+, Br-, I-, CN-, S= ions.
These sensors are fully interchangeable with any other ORP electrode and are suitable to be used with any ORP meter and even with voltmeters and PLC.
An economically interesting solution is the use of these sensors in conjunction with our standard ORP meter Mod.uP03, uPLT03, uP03R, TX03, TX-HMI03.
The reference electrodes used in differential ORP electrodes are not subject to the negative effect that stray currents have on inner metal electrodes of traditional reference electrodes. In all these applications, where traditional ORP electrodes would have a short life, the differential ORP electrodes assure long term reliability with almost no maintenance requirements.
Mod.225 is a differential ORP electrode, PP (Mod.225x1xx) or PVDF (Mod.225x2xx) body, 40 mm diameter, 245 mm length, suitable for immersion installation; it includes the threaded connection for the installation into Mod.SI0V immersion probe, available in various materials and different lengths.
The measuring electrode can be made of Gold (Mod.225Axxx), Silver (Mod.225Bxxx) Platinum (Mod.225Cxxx) or annular Platinum (225Dxxx), the reference electrode is included inside the body and is immersed into the salt bridge, separated from it by a glass membrane. The large area porous diaphragm is made of PVDF. The sensor includes the solution ground contact and the temperature sensor, Pt100, for temperature indication. An electronic circuit included in the sensor and self powered by an integral battery (interchangeable) transforms the signal from the electrodes into a standard, low impedance signal ±2000 mV (Mod.225xxAx) or 0-1 V (Mod.225xxBx).
The electrode is supplied c/w integral cable, the cable shield is connected to the metal sheath of the Pt100 temperature sensor so that connecting it to the ground of the instrument the solution in measure results grounded also (this is essential for the good operation of each analyser).
Operating temperature limits: 0-80 °C (PP) 0-100°C (PVDF)
Operating pressure limits: 5 bar @ ambient temperature
Cable: integral, 5 m (Mod.225xxx1), 10 m (Mod.225xxx2), 15 m (Mod.225xxx3)
Differential ORP electrodes are designed for ORP measurements in very difficult applications, such as the ORP measure in tanning process; Redox control in harsh processes; ORP measure in highly poisoning water, e.g. Redox analysis in samples containing sulphides S=, silver ions Ag+, bromides Br-, iodides I-, Cyanides CN-, ORP analysis in spring water containing sulphides.
The sensor has been succesfully used for ORP analysis in tannery, ORP measure in spa water with high temperature and high concentration of sulphides S=, Redox analysis in spring water pools.